Groups 1 and 2
- 2 ice times each day - Ringette goalie specific off-ice stretching, warm up and dryland - Ringette goalie specific on ice skills, drills and situations - Group 1 is for U14A and Under - Group 2 is for U14AA and Older – Group 2 goalies can participate in the “shadow program” to be a role model to a Come Try goalie for the morning session - Specific drills targeted for the skill level of the individual Ringette goalie - 3 to 1 instructor to goalie ratio - *Maximum 15 goalies per Group - Experienced Ringette goalie instructors - $350 per goalie |
Come Try Being a Ringette Goalie
- Geared towards young players (Bunny, Novice) who have either never been a Ringette goalie, or have very little experience in goalie equipment - Opportunity to get help getting dressed - Basic, fun on ice drills to encourage excitement in trying to be a Ringette goalie - Morning “shadow” program where the Come Try goalie will be partnered up with an experienced Group 2 goalie for the morning, until after lunch – a hands on chance to see what a real Ringette goalie does - *Maximum 9 goalies per day, filling Saturday first, opening up Sunday if Saturday is full - $50 per goalie for 1 day, plus cost of jersey if desired |
Day 1
7:45 Come Try registration 8:30-9:15 Come Try ice time - get used to equipment, stance, hold stick, shuffle, butterfly, ring toss 9:30 Main registration 9:45 Welcome for goalies and parents 10:30-11:30 Grp 1 & 2 on ice - stance, movements, positioning 11:45 Goalie stretching 12:00-1:15 Lunch and learn - Guest Speaker - Want to Be Menatally Tough? 1:45-3:00 Grp 1 on ice – situational shooting drills 1:30-2:30 Grp 2 off-ice - goalie strengthening 2:45 Grp 2 off-ice goalie warmup 3:15-4:30 Grp 2 on ice - situational shooting drills 3:15-4:15 Grp 1 off-ice - goalie strengthening 4:30 Autographs and Show & Tell Favorite Goalie Item |
Day 2
7:45 Come Try registration 8:30-9:15 Come Try ice time - same as Day 1 9:50 Ready to go on ice - Group photo 10:00-11:00 Grp 1 & 2 on ice - conditioning, movements, balance 11:15 Goalie stretching 11:30 Off ice photos with Groups 11:30-12:45 Lunch and learn - SMART Goals, Ringette and Life 1:15-2:30 Grp 2 on ice - situational shooting drills 1:00-2:00 Grp 1 off-ice - goalie reflex and balance 2:15 Grp 1 off-ice goalie warmup 2:45-4:00 Grp 1 on ice - situational shooting drills 2:45-3:45 Grp 2 off-ice - goalie reflex and balance 4:00 Camp Goodbyes |
Keely Brown – [email protected]
- 20 years goalie instructing experience, 28 years playing experience - 11 years on the Canadian National Ringette Team, 9 years on the Canadian Roller Hockey Team - NRL champion and Goalie of the Year honors, goalie for the Edmonton WAM! - World Ringette Championship Player of the Game and Tournament honors - Author of “The Complete Guide to Ringette Goaltending” - Ringette goalie equipment at |
Heather Konkin – [email protected]
- 10 years goalie instructing experience, 16 years playing experience - Goalie for Team USA, 2010 - NRL champion, goalie for the Edmonton WAM! - Goalie for Team Alberta Canada Winter Games, 2003 - Assistant Coach of Edmonton Elite’s U19 program for the past 6 years - Head Instructor and Goalie Instructor for Ft McMurray Ringette School |